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《收获日攻略》收获日2【The Bomb Heists】DLC介绍_收获日2 dlc

收获日 收获日攻略 收获日攻略攻略 2018-10-25 10:58:33

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)收获日攻略攻略组来给各位喜欢收获日攻略的小伙伴分享关于《收获日攻略》收获日2【The Bomb Heists】DLC介绍_收获日2 dlc的精彩内容

本文关键词:收获日攻略攻略,收获日攻略,收获日2【The Bomb Heists】DLC介绍

收获日2【The Bomb Heists】DLC介绍

收获日2【The Bomb Heists】DLC介绍

The Bomb Heists DLC




bomb heist forest: 通过炸断铁路桥,来使火车脱轨坠桥。因为炸弹放置的车厢经过特殊处理所以我们不必担心炸弹爆炸。我们只需取出炸弹将其带走即可,当然条子的进攻可能会带来些困难,但对于你们来说都不是问题。

bome heist dock yard:港口管理者采取了最严密的手段来保证运送顺利。所以,最明智的做法是潜行进入取走炸弹。同样的,我们可以强行突入轮船,只是做好准备面对条子的猛烈进攻。

新的手枪 LEO pistol




Lady bucher , The Doctor ,The Bucher from Hell 和Tech Lion



Meat , Marble Rock , Rhino 和 Plywood



Pleter,Lion Game Lion,Caduceus和Checker Board




Fisherman's Fiend(渔夫之宝)

Complete the Bomb: Dockyard heist on the Death Wish difficulty.

(完成DW难度下的the Bomb: Dockyard)

Beaver Team(河狸小队)

In the Bomb: Forest heist, cut down all trees within 5 seconds during the plane escape. Unlocks the "Butcher From Hell" mask, "Meat" material and "Pleter" pattern.

(于the Bomb: Forest 中,以选择了飞机逃跑的条件下,在5秒内摧毁遮挡的所有树木。完成该成就后解锁面具"Butcher From Hell",材质“Meat”和花纹“Pleter”)


Finish the Bomb: Forest heist without letting any civilian flee or die, having at least five civilians in the heist, while escaping with the boat. Unlocks "The Doctor" mask, "Plywood" material and "Caduceus" pattern.

(在不杀死或放走任何平民的条件下,完成the Bomb: Forest。完成该成就后解锁面具“The Doctor”,材质“Plywood”和花纹“Caduceus”)

Sneaking With the Fishes(与鱼共潜)

Complete the Bomb: Dockyard heist in stealth on the Death Wish difficulty. Unlocks the "Lady Butcher" mask, "Rhino" material and "Checker Board" pattern.

(在不拉响警报的情况下完成DW难度的the Bomb: Dockyard。完成该成就解锁面具“Lady Butcher”,材质“Rhino”和花纹"Checker Board")

Pump It Up (yesssssss♂Pump♂it,哲♂学的瑰宝)

In the Bomb: Forest heist, do not let the cops disconnect the water hose while you are using the river water pump. Unlocks the "Tech Lion" mask, "Marble Rock" material and "Lion Game Lion" pattern.

(在the Bomb: Forest中,在水灌满车厢前,不被任何条子切断水源。完成该成就解锁面具“Tech Lion”,材质“Marble Rock”和花纹“Lion Game Lion”)

A Pine in the Ass(大屁股裂了,我练功发自真心)

Complete the Bomb: Forest heist on the Death Wish difficulty.

(完成DW难度下的 the Bomb: Forest)

I've Got the Power(老子有电啦)

In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, don't let the enemies cut the power. Unlocks the "Extended Mag" for the LEO pistol.

(在不被条子拉电闸的情况下,完成 the Bomb: Dockyard。完成后该成就会送一个LEO pistol的配件“Extended Mag)



Maiden Voyage(首航)

Complete the Bomb: Dockyard heist on any difficulty.

(完成任意难度下的the Bomb: Dockyard)

Done in 60 Seconds(秒速一分钟)

In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, open the dock gate in 60 seconds using the keycards. Unlocks the "Custom Slide" for the LEOpistol.

(在the Bomb: Dockyard中,于开局后60秒内插入两张门卡。完成该成就后会送一个LEO pistol的配件"Custom Slide")




Complete the Bomb: Forest heist on any diffculty.

(完成任意难度下的 the Bomb: Forest)

Breaking Dead(失落的毒师)

In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, find the meth lab.

(在 the Bomb: Dockyard中,找到制毒室)

以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《收获日攻略》收获日2【The Bomb Heists】DLC介绍_收获日2 dlc相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)


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