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《收获日》收获日2【A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack】DLC介绍_收获日2 dlc

收获日 收获日 收获日攻略 2018-10-25 11:01:32

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)收获日攻略组来给各位喜欢收获日的小伙伴分享关于《收获日》收获日2【A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack】DLC介绍_收获日2 dlc的精彩内容

本文关键词:收获日攻略,收获日,收获日2【A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack】DLC介绍

收获日2【A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack】DLC介绍

收获日2【A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack】DLC介绍

值得注意的是A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack这个DLC一买就是4份,自己激活1份然后库里再多出3份,可以送人


01. Intro

02. A Merry Payday Christmas

03. A Heist not Attempted Before

04. If it has to be Christmas

05. I*ve been a Bad Boy

06. Christmas in Prison

07. Deck the Safe House

08. If it has to be Christmas (American Version)

09. A Merry Payday Christmas (Instrumental)

10. A Heist not Attempted Before (Instrumental)

11. If it has to be Christmas (Instrumental)

12. I*ve been a Bad Boy (Instrumental)

13. Christmas in Prison (Instrumental)

14. Deck the Safe House (Instrumental)

由Pete Gold主唱(即PAYDAY:THE HEIST中老Hoxton的CV)

另外购买后还能解锁3个面具,依次为Surprised Santa,Furious Santa和Tipsy Santa

以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《收获日》收获日2【A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack】DLC介绍_收获日2 dlc相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)


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