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《游民星空巫师3》巫师3狂猎有哪些任务?巫师3狂猎任务列表大全_巫师3 巫师3任务

巫师3 游民星空巫师3 游民星空巫师3攻略 2018-10-31 21:01:27

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)游民星空巫师3攻略组来给各位喜欢游民星空巫师3的小伙伴分享关于《游民星空巫师3》巫师3狂猎有哪些任务?巫师3狂猎任务列表大全_巫师3 巫师3任务的精彩内容



中文任务名称 英文任务名称 页数
吟遊詩人的情人 A Bard's Beloved 243
一馬廄的麻煩 A Barnful of Trouble 237
危險遊戲 A Dangerous Game 123
致命陰謀 A Deadly Plot 130
狗兒的秘密生活 A Dog's Life 220
拔刀相助 A Favor for a Friend 88
協助拉多維德 A Favor for Radovid 110
烏鴉盛宴 A Feast for Crow 225
A Final Kindness 181
清潔溜溜的炒菜鍋 A Frying Pan, Spick and Span 203
貪婪之神 A Greedy God 221
珍貴的號角 A Hallowed Horn 247
生死交關 A Matter of Life and Death 125
神秘乘客 A Mysterious Passenger 144
無人回應的請求 A Plea Ignored 324
煩惱的詩人 A Poet Under Pressure 117
公主落難記 A Princess in Distress 75
埋葬的書 A Tome Entombed 236
老鼠之塔 A Towerful of Mice 86
巡視邊陲 A Walk on the Waterfront 231
A Warm Welcome* 240
廢棄的鋸木廠 Abandoned Sawmill 242
以眼還眼 An Eye for an Eye 129
凱拉·梅茲的邀約 An lnvitalion from Keira Metz 86
倒楣的發展 An Unfortunate Turn of Events 324
未償還的債 An Unpaid Debt 257
武裝搶劫 Armed Assault 242
At the Mercy of Strangers* 212
鮑爾德山 Bald Mountain 176
基地 Bastion 270
戰鬥準備 Battle Preparations 189
戰場禿鷹 Battlefield Loot 325
Berengar's Blade 271
悲苦的收穫 Bitter Harvest 212
黑珍珠 Black Pearl 229
顯而易見 Blindingly Obvious 180
血黃金 Blood Gold 324
戰場上的鮮血 Blood on the Battlefield 172
血緣關係 Blood Ties 218
血腥男爵 Bloody Baron 71
勇敢傻子總早死 Brave Fools Die Young 243
破碎之花 Broken Flowers 99
並肩作戰:尼弗迦德 Brothers in Arms: Nilfgaard 166
並肩作戰:諾維格瑞 Brothers in Arms: Novigrad 166
並肩作戰:史凱利傑群島 Brothers in Arms: Skellige 167
並肩作戰:威倫 Brothers in Arms: Velen 166
歌舞廳 Cabaret 119
Call of the Wild* 243
Caravan Attack* 213
肉體之罪 Carnal Sins 120
長者之血的子嗣 Child of the Elder Blood 193
希里的房間 Ciri's Room 74
希里的故事:與二世會面 Ciri's Story: Visiting Junior 110
希里的故事:光速逃亡 Ciri's Story: Breakneck Speed 118
希里的故事:逃離泥沼 Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog 86
希里的故事:天機洩露 Ciri's Story: Out of the Shadows 78
希里的故事:賽馬大賽 Ciri's Story: The Race 78
希里的故事:狼之王 Ciri's Story: The King of the Wolves 72
船骸海岸 Coast of Wrecks 325
委託:神秘的小偷 Contract: An Elusive Thief 294
委託:高地狮鹫兽 Contract: The Griffin from the Highlands 209
委託:致命快感 Contract: Deadly Delights 292
委託:井裡的惡魔 Contract: Devil by the Well 274
委託:門戶緊閉 Contract: Doors Slamming Shut 293
委託:巨龍 Contract: Dragon 300
委託:新郎到來 Contract: Here Comes the Groom 301
委託:樹林女妖 Contract: Jenny O' the Woods 276
委託:森林之王 Contract: Lord of the Wood 296
委託:失蹤的弟弟 Contract: Missing Brother 278
委託:失蹤的兒子 Contract: Missing Son 303
委託:謬雷·迪亞布雷 Contract: Muire D'yaeblen 304
委託:神秘的足跡 Contract: Mysterious Tracks 280
委託:失蹤的巡邏隊 Contract: Patrol Gone Missing 283
委託:商路上的幽靈 Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route 284
委託:尖叫怪 Contract: Shrieker 285
委託:沼澤麻煩 Contract: Swamp Thing 286
委託:蜜蜂幽靈 Contract: The Apiarian Phantom 289
委託:奧森弗特森林里的生物 Contract: The Creature from the Oxenfurt Forest 290
委託:風流寡婦 Contract: The Merry Widow 277
委託:拜維斯謀殺案之謎 Contract: The Mystery of the Byways Murders 281
委託:奧森弗特的醉漢 Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk 297
委託:愛德堡的幽靈 Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg 305
委託:白女妖 Contract: The White Lady 299
委託:奇怪的怪獸 Contract: Strange Beast 306
委託:森林怪獸 Contract: Woodland Beast 288
加冕典禮 Coronation 157
Costly Mistake 324
盧文伯爵的寶藏 Count Reuven's Treasure 111
罪與罰 Crime and Punishment 244
Deadly Crossing (I)* 205
Deadly Crossing (II)* 213
Deadly Crossing (III)* 222
葬身火窟 Death By Fire 213
捍衛信仰 Defender of the Faith (I) 205
捍衛信仰 Defender of the Faith (II) 220
Deserter Gold 324
前往史凱利傑 Destination: Skellige 136
髒錢 Dirty Funds 324
魔法擾動 Disturbance 161
別惹毛天神 Don't Play With Gods 325
嫁妝 Dowry 324
Drunken Rabble* 230
過去的回聲 Echoes of the Past 140
空空的雞籠 Empty Coop 237
Face Me if You Dare* 206
Faithful Friend 205
假證件 Fake Papers 214
家族財寶 Family Fortune 325
家家有本難唸的經 Family Matters 73
Farting Trolls* 245
鬥劍訓練 Fencing Lessons 233
最後的準備 Final Preparations 179
Finders Keepers 245
憤怒之拳:至尊冠軍 Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions 318
憤怒之拳:諾維格瑞 Fists of Fury: Novigrad 316
憤怒之拳:史凱利傑 Fists of Fury: Skellige 317
憤怒之拳:威倫 Fists of Fury: Velen 314
Flesh for Sale 267
循線追查 Following the Thread 223
為名譽與榮耀 For Fame and Glory 259
以知識進步為名 For the Advancement of Learning 89
祖靈前夜祭 Forefathers' Eve 206
自由魂 Free Spirit 262
讚美弗蕾雅神! Freya Be Praised! 325
來自好遠好遠的地方 From a Land Far, Far Away 246
葬禮火堆 Funeral Pyres 214
打倒二世 Get Junior 103
過去的鬼魂 Ghosts of the Past 91
溫室效應 Greenhouse Effect 271
昆特:大城玩家 Gwent: Big City Players 309
全收集到手 Gwent: Collect 'em All! 310
昆特:老朋友 Gwent: Old Pals 309
昆特:酒館老闆大挑戰 Gwent: Playing lnnkeeps 308
昆特:挑戰塔勒 Gwent: Playing Thaler -
昆特:史凱利傑風 Gwent: Skellige Style 310
昆特:威倫大贏家 Gwent: Velen Players 309
Harassing a Troll* 211
艱苦年代 Hard Times 247
鬼屋 Haunted House -
危險物品 Hazardous Goods 217
喂,要看看我的貨嗎? Hey, You Wanna Look at My Stuff? 230
與世隔絕 Hidden from the World 324
寶藏深淵 Hidden in the Depths 325
尼弗迦德秘密信息 Hidden Messages of the Nilfgaardian Kind 234
大賭局 High Stakes 311
Highway Robbery* 207
Highwayman's Cache* 221

中文任务名称 英文任务名称 页数
竊賊仁義 Honor Among Thieves 106
獵捕女巫 Hunting a Witch 79
覲見皇帝 Imperial Audience 66
追蹤希里 In Ciri's Footsteps -
森林之心 In the Heart of The Woods 248
披著狼皮 In Wolf's Clothing 259
遺產 Inheritance 325
鐵娘子 Iron Maiden 268
鐵臂的寶藏 Ironsides' Treasure 325
It Takes Three to Tango 185
凱爾莫罕 Kaer Morhen 58
Karmic Justice* 225
國王的賭局 King's Gambit 153
林中夫人 Ladies of the Wood 83
最後的儀式 Last Rites 208
丁香與醋栗 Lilac and Gooseberries 60
小紅帽 Little Red 238
Looters (I)* 208
Looters (II)* 215
Looters (III)* 217
遺失的貨物 Lost Goods 324
愛情的殘酷陷阱 Love's Cruel Snares? 219
Lynch Mob 219
魔法之燈 Magic Lamp 82
Man's Best Friend* 215
護甲大師 Master Armorers 208
競技場大師 Master of the Arena 261
老朋友的信息 Message from an Old Friend 226
不見蹤影 Missing in Action 202
失蹤人口 Missing Persons 141
怪獸殺手 Monster Slayer 272
無名之人 Nameless 141
Never Trust Children (I)* 235
Never Trust Children (II)* 250
尼弗迦德寶藏 Nilfgaardian Treasure 325
美好家園 No Place Like Home 164
膽勝猛隼 Not Only Eagles Dare 325
諾維格瑞白日夢 Novigrad Dreaming 98
諾維格瑞的好客 Novigrad Hospitality 238
諾維格瑞,關門大吉 Novigrad, Closed City 127
逃出生天 Now or Never 127
牛奶與黑暗 Of Dairy and Darkness 232
寶劍與餃子 Of Swords and Dumplings 227
On Death's Bed 63
如履薄冰 On Thin Ice 194
從熱鍋跳進大火中 Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire 324
別想回來! Out on Your Arse! 231
復仇 Payback 183
被擾亂的和平 Peace Disturbed 251
海岸珍珠 Pearls of the Coast 325
惡靈纏身 Possession 150
進階煉金學 Practicum in Advanced Alchemy 251
寶貴貨物 Precious Cargo 202
大豐收 Precious Haul 325
諾維格瑞之火 Pyres of Novigrad 96
祖蕾卡皇后的寶藏 Queen Zuleyka's Treasure -
參加伊拉莫斯·威吉布德紀念賽馬大賽 Races: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Derby 320
競速大賽:烏鴉窩 Races: Crow's Perch 319
Racists of Novigrad (I)* 228
Racists of Novigrad (II)* 228
為祖國 Reason of State 188
瑞達尼亞頭號要犯 Redania's Most Wanted 131
重回駝背泥沼 Return to Crookback Bog 92
惡鄰居 Rough Neighborhood 241
遺跡,寶藏,老掉牙那套··· Ruins, Hidden Treasure, You Know... 326
尋寶任務:熊學派裝備 Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear 331
尋寶任務:貓學派裝備 Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear 329
尋寶任務:獅鷲學派裝備 Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear 327
尋寶任務:毒蛇學派裝備 Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear 327
震撼治療 Shock Therapy 254
小路捷徑 Shortcut 325
Siren's Call* 255
史凱裘之墓 Skjall's Grave 194
結束是另一個開始 Something Ends, Something Begins (I) 334
結束是另一個開始 Something Ends, Something Begins (II) 335
結束是另一個開始 Something Ends, Something Begins (III) 336
驚嚇的母馬 Spooked Mare 239
異鄉人 Stranger in a Strange Land 255
Strangers in the Night* 240
Strumpet in Distress* 230
沉沒的寶箱 Sunken Chest 325
沉沒的寶藏 Sunken Treasure 324
Suspicious Shakedown* 229
年幼遭俘 Taken as a Lass 257
泰德·戴爾瑞,最後紀元 Tedd Deireadh, the Final Age 197
泰莫利亞寶藏 Temerian Valuables 324
凱爾莫罕之戰 The Battle of Kaer Morhen 169
白果園的野獸 The Beast of White Orchard 63
暴風雨前的平靜 The Calm Before the Storm 143
夢之洞窟 The Cave of Dreams 256
死人不會回手 The Dead Have No Defense 325
矮人文件兩難 The Dwarven Document Dilemma 222
里爾頓家的衰敗 The Fall of the House of Reardon 90
家族之刃 The Family Blade 244
最後的試煉 The Final Trial 162
The Flame of Hatred* 226
The Four Faces of Hemdall* 268
諾維格瑞的黑幫 The Gangs of Novigrad 104
大逃亡 The Great Escape 181
英雄追逐賽:斐隆德 The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund 321
英雄追逐賽:為了女神的榮耀而賽! The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory! 323
英雄追逐賽:費雷斯達 The Heroes' Pursuits: Fyresdal 322
英雄追逐賽:凱爾卓 The Heroes' Pursuits: Kaer Trolde 322
白果園村的事件 The Incident at White Orchard 66
迷霧之島 The Isle of Mists 167
國王已死,浩氣長存 The King is Dead - Long Live the King 137
最後願望 The Last Wish 144
烏德維克之王 The Lord of Undvik 146
The Most Truest of Basilisks* 241
尼弗迦德的線人 The Nilfgaardian Connection 70
逆心咒 The Nithing 250
貴族雕像 The Nobleman Statuette 235
戰士之路 The Path of Warriors 264
盛大演出 The Play's the Thing 114
名譽的代價 The Price of Honor 269
The Price of Passage* 241
果斯巴特兄弟的悲劇 The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers 253
士兵雕像 The Soldier Statuette 235
太陽石 The Sunstone 190
為了錢什麼事都做得出來··· The Things Men Do For Coin... 324
憑空出現的塔 The Tower Outta Nowheres 265
真相藏在星星中 The Truth Is in the Stars 218
義勇兵 The Volunteer 216
呢喃山丘 The Whispering Hillock 84
狩魔獵人的鑄爐 The Witchers' Forge 273
禁示通行 Thou Shalt Not Pass 216
穿越時空 Through Time and Space 186
引誘叉尾龍··· To Bait a Forktail... 161
霉運纏身 Tough Luck 324
Trail of Echoes* 272
扭曲的縱火客 Twisted Firestarter 204
醜陋的嬰兒 Ugly Baby 160
Unlucky's Treasure 325
瓦費·伊連 Va Fail, Elaine 165
薇歌之歌 Veni Vidi Vigo 191
伸手不見五指 Wandering in the Dark 80
憂心倉庫 Warehouse of Woe 232
野性之心 Wild at Heart 210
Witch Hunter Raids* 225
真假狩魔獵人 Witcher Wannabe 217
Woe is Me* 258
值得信任 Worthy of Trust 258
藏寶圖 X Marks the Spot 326
Yustianna Disturbed* 258
委託:失蹤的礦工 Contract: Missing Miners DLC

以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《游民星空巫师3》巫师3狂猎有哪些任务?巫师3狂猎任务列表大全_巫师3 巫师3任务相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)


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