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《这是我的战争pc版》这是我的战争(This War of Mine)MOD使用教程_mod 这是我的战争

这是我的战争 这是我的战争pc版 这是我的战争pc版攻略 2018-10-25 10:33:32

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)这是我的战争pc版攻略组来给各位喜欢这是我的战争pc版的小伙伴分享关于《这是我的战争pc版》这是我的战争(This War of Mine)MOD使用教程_mod 这是我的战争的精彩内容

本文关键词:这是我的战争pc版攻略,这是我的战争pc版,这是我的战争(This War of Mine)MOD使用教程


1. Scenarios Config

To add a new scenario in the Scenarios Config we need to do a few things. First we need to add a new timeline, which is a selection of parameters which define the game. The easiest way to add this is by right-clicking one of the existing timelines and duplicating it.


Change the text in the fields: Name, ShelterAttackRuleSetName, VisitsGroupName, and WinterConfigEntryName to ColdCrisis. After that we add our own rules: attacks, visits, and the cold weather for the name we used (ColdCrisis). Additionally, we set the duration of the war in WarDurationInDays. Expand MajorEventConfig and define when the winter begins and ends, as well as the beginning and the end of BanditsAttackStart event (there will be stronger attacks during this period).


The ItemPriceDefs field allows us to change the prices of vendors items. Using tags (i.e. Coffee) we can increase or decrease the prices of items in a specific time period. In the basic scenarios these changes were connected with events such as winter or bandits attacks. During winter, fuel prices went up. There wont be such price changes in the mod, because the winter lasts for pretty much the entire game, so the fuel prices are constantly high. Additionally, we will connect the price changes to the announcements on the radio ( Radio Config). For example, on the 30th day the player will hear over the radio that due to the large number of bandits in the area, the prices of alcohol and cigarettes have gone up. Its important to inform the player why the prices of goods are higher than normal in a particular period.

以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《这是我的战争pc版》这是我的战争(This War of Mine)MOD使用教程_mod 这是我的战争相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)


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