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《钢铁雄心4中文版》钢铁雄心4(Hearts of Iron IV)1.0.1补丁更新内容_钢铁雄心4

钢铁雄心 钢铁雄心4中文版 钢铁雄心4中文版攻略 2018-10-25 09:25:39

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)钢铁雄心4中文版攻略组来给各位喜欢钢铁雄心4中文版的小伙伴分享关于《钢铁雄心4中文版》钢铁雄心4(Hearts of Iron IV)1.0.1补丁更新内容_钢铁雄心4的精彩内容

本文关键词:钢铁雄心4中文版攻略,钢铁雄心4中文版,钢铁雄心4(Hearts of Iron IV)1.0.1补丁更新内容

钢铁雄心4(Hearts of Iron IV)1.0.1补丁更新内容

Stability & Performance

- Fixed several rare CTDs.

- Late-game performance optimizations.

- Large peace conference resolutions are now faster and also properly indicate that they are active to non-participants.

- Added GUI scaling option for people with very small or very high resolutin displays (experimental).

- Added a max framerate limiting system (defaults to 75fps) to help people with the combination of bad cooling, great graphics cards and very high screen refresh. If you are one of these with heat issues I would love to hear if this solved it (changing max_fram_rate in settings can let you remove its effect by making it higher, or go lower if you still have issues)


- Fixed an issue with deploying troops during spanish civil war when continuing savegames.

- Can now zoom in and out using PgUp and PgDown buttons on keyboard.

- Stopped an exploit where player could redirect a naval transfer into an invasion without preparation.

- Fixed a case where fleets who found themselves outside base range would be instantly deleted.

- Fixed some highlighting issues in tutorial.


- Added 9 new unique nation leader portraits.

- Improved some VP/state names in China.

- Improved a lot of alternate ideology nation names and party/leader names.

- France can now send volunteers to Spain if they choose the Support Nationalists focus.

- Fixed many localization issues, both in english and other languages.



- 修复一些罕见CTD

- 游戏后期卡顿优化

- 大战后的和谈速度更快并且对中立国表示得更清楚

- 加入调整UI大小的选项(实验选项)

- 限制最高帧数(默认75HZ)


- 修复读档后西班牙内战时期部署军队的问题

- 现在可以用翻页键放大缩小了(触摸板福音)

- 修复利用重新定位海运部队的方法来无需准备时间就能抢滩登陆的BUG

- 修复舰队超过港口补给范围上限会瞬间解散的BUG

- 修复教程中一些高亮栏目显示不正确的BUG


- 加入9个独特的国|家|领|导|人头像

- 优化了中国的胜利点和省份名称

- 优化了大量可以改变政治理念的国家的名称和其领导人的名称

- 法国在研究支持民族主义焦点后可以顺利向西班牙派遣志愿军了

- 修复了许多英语和其他语言翻译上的问题

以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《钢铁雄心4中文版》钢铁雄心4(Hearts of Iron IV)1.0.1补丁更新内容_钢铁雄心4相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)


游戏娱乐 搞笑 美女
